Gyroll Leashes

Gyroll bodyboarding leashes are designed by bodyboard great, Mike Stewart. Gyroll bicep and wrist leashes use a smaller, and more taught, coil in order to keep it out of the riders way when travelling on the wave. Keeping this cord taught at all times also means your board is right by your side whenever you wipe out or fall of the wave. The Gyroll bicep and wrist leashes are amongst bodyboardings most durable leashes as for their double stainless steel connection which stops them from snapping and also allows them to react in the water to the---- large variety of manoeuvres and situations we as bodyboarders find ourselves in. Really, if it's good enough for the great Mike Stewart, it's more than likely good enough for you.
Gyroll Wrist Leash

Gyroll Wrist Leash

$59.95 AUD
Designed by Mike Stewart. Compact, expandable coiled cord. Constructed from the finest parts and materials available.No other leash offers the same level of comfort quality, design, construction, durability and functionality....
Gyroll Bicep Leash

Gyroll Bicep Leash

$59.95 AUD
No other leash offers the same level of comfort quality, design, construction, durability and functionality.The Variable Bicep Leash offers a two buckle neoprene cuff that allows the rider to cinch...