Sun Protection

Surf sun protection is an absolute necessity for ocean goers worldwide. Our diverse array of sun creams and zincs will keep you from roasting in that Summer sun with their waterproof and sunproof qualities. Sun protection typically should be applied twenty minutes before entering the water and then again every two hours after initial application. T... his stands the same for our selection of sunscreens, although is variable depending on the instructions given by the sunscreen packaging. Sunscreen is applied to exposed body parts; this cream will act as a prevention as for the suns ultraviolet radiation reaching and penetrating the skin. Most sunscreens will vary in regards to their levels of protection. Although we stand by our brands. Our brands of which being Sun Zapper sunscreen, Sun Zapper zinc, Natural Surf Mud zinc and Sun Sauce sunscreen. Each of which has been tested and used by our staff and customers to great effect. Get ordering and save yourself from the impending roasting.   Read more
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